Paracetamol during pregnancy
Paracetamol, like many other drugs, is also placental, meaning that it can migrate via the maternal bloodstream into the placenta and from there into the child's circulation. In a study from September 2021, which was published in the Nature Journal, the authors report an increased risk of neuronal development disorders in children after taking paracetamol during pregnancy. The disorders include ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) and ASD (autism spectrum disorder). Language development disorders and a reduced intelligence quotient are also included. However, the authors point out that the negative effects are very small, but the numbers are nevertheless very high due to the frequent and widespread use. It is not in the interest of the study authors to discontinue use, but pregnant women should be better informed about the potential risks. It is therefore advisable to only take paracetamol in the lowest possible dosage and for the shortest possible duration, they emphasize.
Another study from September 2022, which was published in the Plos One Journal, came to a similar conclusion. However, the authors of this study also took into account the mothers' stress levels during pregnancy. According to the authors, the stress factor was given little or no consideration in previous studies. Despite this consideration, they came to the conclusion that paracetamol can lead to sleep and attention disorders in children when taken during pregnancy. The negative effects were also very rare in this study, but are not insignificant due to the frequent and widespread use.